Welcome to my blog.

I hope you will enjoy looking at my my art and seeing how it evolves!


Stop the World, I want to get off!

Stop the World, I want to get off , Let me out of this fiendishly frighteningly frazzled fray,  Lead me to Serene and simple sanctuary.

Wouldn't it be nice if life was like a bus, and we could ring the bell to stop and let us off in some serene sanctuary for a while to rest and rejuvenate before joining the world again!!!

This was exactly how I felt earlier t his year when stress took over and robbed all my Joy in life. This painting was my prayer and my way of letting out the feelings of panic,  Thankfully that prayer has been answered, not necessarily in the way I expected.  I am appreciating more time with my family and noticing every  little bit of beauty in joy in my world now.

Its been too long!

Note to self:

I haven't posted here for a long time.  Circumstances got in the way, namely a disastrous business venture and a frightening health scare,  but I am back on my proper path again so I plan to enjoy life, cherish my loved ones,  paint and write, laugh, dance, play, bake, garden, spend time with real friends and post here much more often!